"We have voices and we have the ability to act, and the ability to create change."-Sophia Bush

Spring clean

29 September 2010

              Because I am moving house a the moment I have been going through a big good old fashion Spring clean and it's actually in spring! So I am sorting out all my stuff and throwing away all the nonsense I have collected over the years. It's like a breath of fresh air into my bedroom and my stress levels, because although I try not to admit it too often I kind of enjoy organizing things. So this got me thinking how nice a spring clean would be in my life.
So the things I wanted to clean up are:
  • My body- As I'm sure you all know it can be very easy to neglect your body, especially during winter. So spring cleaning my body involves getting back a regular shaving routine (who doesn't let there legs go a little wild and fussy in winter?), washing and moisturising my face daily because I want to keep my skin lovely when I'm old and taking care of my poor dishwasher hands and nails.
  • My school work- As boring as it is I need to pick up my game because being lazy and getting C's all around the board wont get me anywhere in life.
  • My mind- The plan for this one is instead of keeping everything up in the maze in my head I'm going to write it down. If I'm feeling happy and content or a bit blue or anything else, if something happens or if something makes me mad I'm going to write it down on whatever is closest, be it my laptop, phone or a piece of paper. 
  • My exercise habits- So I'll be first to admit that my exercise habits are very poor (or more non-existent) and I need to do something about that. So during these holidays (2 weeks) I want to go for a walk/jog each day and when school gets back I am going to be walking home everyday which takes me 20 minutes. 
So what sort of things would you spring clean in your life? Do you have a crappy love life? Messy relationships with family or friends? Bad habits you want to kick out? Want to resolve to have more confidence? Well change them then! You are the only person who can. Take charge and take control, live your life.

Maly Xx.

Happiness is...

28 September 2010

Happiness is laughing with good friends at lunchtime.

I plan on doing lots of these so keep checking back!

The simplest of intentions...

27 September 2010

I think there's a universal feeling among bloggers. That once a blogger has revealed that feeling, thats when they truly are a blogger. I think that is a feeling of importance within writing our words for the world to see. That getting our words out there in the universe is a way of making ourselves matter, making ourselves mean something. We want to feel like the things we do, the things we write make a difference. Maybe not even in the world as a whole but just simply in someone's or our own world. Simply a life inspired. Everybody wants to be remembered. Some people find it easily; naturally, for others though there can be a struggle. And like any other this struggle is hard, exhausting and oh-so time consuming. Struggles to have the best, to be on top happen everyday to anyone, to everyone. Everybody's struggling to find their own way to be remembered. Everyone wants a place that's their own. Everyone wants to feel untouchable. Thats why; I think, I want this blog to happen. I want it to be everything I'm imagining for you mostly but also a little for me. This is my place, my importance and my way of being remembered.

Hi guys, thanks for coming by! I am really, really excited about this blog and I hope you will all adore it. Keep checking back throughout the week because I have a lot of posts planned but I want to keep it to just this first post for a few days so everyone gets a chance to read it. So over to the right you will find my little 'Girls Corner' I set up. I will keep it updated with lots of fun little bits and pieces for you all.

I would love it if you followed this blog, left me comments, did the polls on the side and gave me feedback.
Maly Xx.
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